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Jonathan Orrala

Scott Challener

WR 150-J6

25 February 2010




     My paper is mainly about some examples in the text where body and the imagery of Hell coincide.  So part of body equals some type of sin in Hell

A key decision I chose was the use of Robert M. Durling’s notes on the body analogy because I agree with him in many aspects about the relationship between body and sin. 

     I feel like one effective move was my use of the text and precisely where the images of body language arise.

      My readers can be most helpful by telling me whether I am going in a persuasive manner or am I rather just going along with Durling. How can I complicate the situation? What naysayers would be most helpful, for instance how would I be able to say “that probably isn’t what that means when they talk about the head.”  Any insights and arguable backup would be most helpful.

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