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Jack Kerouac and Neil Cassady

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Table of Contents:

The Beginning

-This section has my introduction to my topic were i explain my organization, as well as a table of contents. There are also pictures of the authors that wrote the books that i used.


-This section has all four of my F.E.A.T. sources and all twelve of my journal entries.


-This section has the four articles that i used to help me write my final paper. I also included images of the novels that i used for my paper.


-This section has links to the movies trailers of the movies that i watched for my final paper.

Annotated Bibliography

-This section has my 9 annotated bibliography entries.


-This section has my proposal as well as my revised proposal. It also has my prospectus.

The Fall of the Counterculture

-This section has my final paper.


-This section has both of my reflections.



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    The focus of my portfolio is American counterculture from the 1950’s to the 1970’s.  Although my paper focuses on counterculture in the 1960’s and 1970’s, I still did quite a bit of research on the “beat” generation of the 1950’s. Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas fascinated me so I transitioned and made that the main exhibit source for my final paper. I was able to use Thompson’s other novel, Hell’s Angels, in order to show the transition Thompson’s writing made between the 1960’s and 1970’s, as well as use the Hell’s Angels as an example of a countercultural group that existed in the 1960’s. To include another countercultural group from the 1960’s I used The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe. Wolfe’s novel followed the Merry Pranksters who were a part of the California psychedelic scene. Through my research I found various articles that helped me come to the conclusion that: Hunter S. Thompson saw the 1960's in California as a symbol of hope and freedom, but even as early as the mid-1960’s, Thompson saw that the failure of the counterculture to unite would cause its collapse and lead to fear and loathing in the 1970's.      
    My portfolio is organized by category. The first tab is “the beginning” because it is were my portfolio begins and it is what people first see when they click the link to my portfolio. This section has my introduction, which explains the basis of my portfolio and how it is organization.  This section also has a table of contents to help people navigate. The next tab is labeled “F.E.A.T./Journal Entries.” In this section I have my F.E.A.T. assignments and journal entries under one heading. I put those two together because I felt they were the basic tools that helped me write my paper. Next I made a separate category for the articles I found while doing my research. In this section for aesthetics I included the images of the novel covers that I read. I then included a movies section. I watched Gonzo to help me better understand the life of Hunter S. Thompson and i also watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas to help me understand the novel better. I could not find the correct scenes that i used in my paper but i included links to the you tube movie trailers. Next is my annotated bibliography section were it has all nine entries. I then put my proposals and prospectus together. I feel that these assignments are closely linked because they helped me to narrow my topic for my final paper. The next section I included my final paper. Lastly I added a reflection section that has both of my reflections. I feel that my portfolio has a natural progression were I start off introducing my portfolio, then transition in the basic’s used to help write my paper like the F.E.A.T. system. The next sections have all of the information I compiled while doing research. Then the portfolio is concluded with the final product, which is my final paper as well as a reflection on what I have accomplished this year.

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