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     The Museum of Fine Arts holds great history and memories. I enjoyed experiencing the MFA from a scientific perspective. The first painting I took a picture of below was of the Battle of Bunker Hill. The landscape included renewable natural resources such as the sun, wind, and water that were painted with great detail and creativity. Even more, the boats exemplified intermediate renewable resources since they were made from wood. Since the painting does portray an occurring battle, it would be considered to have been created from an anthropocentric viewpoint. Humans seem to dominate nature whether it be through the land battles or the naval warfare between the Americans and the French. Most of the nature on  is painted in a muddy brown color and only the strong waves are the pieces of nature truly emphasised. The biome depicted is a cool temperate biome since the battle occurred in MA. The water cycle is evidently occurring within the action of the painting. The water evaporates into the atmosphere from the ocean, then it condenses through precipitation back to the rivers, ground, and oceans around the world. Although there are no animals evident in the painting, the likely animals in a food chain would include sea gulls, pigeons, earthworms, brown bears, and other animals that can adjust to the cool temperate biome. 

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       The second painting I examined was called "Landscape with a Lake". It was painted by Washington Allston in 1804. This was personally my favorite piece because it truly portrayed the beauty of the American nature. The Landscape also included similar natural renewable resources such as the sun, water, and wind. Once again, since this was an American landscape, the biome was that of a temperate deciduous forest. So, the intermediate renewable resource was mostly wood. I think this piece should be seen more so from an ecocentric viewpoint since the only human seems to blend in with the serenity of his surroundings. I believe that the "Human Influence Index" is not high since the very detailed portrayal of the mountains and the trees show the emphasize on nature rather than the human disturbance of nature. The phosphorus cycle is probably taking place within the action of the painting through erosion of the mountains in the painting. Once again, animals are not depicted in the image, however the food web would mostly consist of woodland animals. 

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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.