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    To me, the Resident Assistant position is much more than simply a means to save money on tuition. It is a way in which I can become a mentor and a role model for fifty freshman girls who are trying to find their way through their first year of college. It is a learning experience for me as I exchange thoughts with diverse backgrounds and mindsets. The position is a way to test my leadership skills and teach me how to endure the toughest of medical, social, and physiological  situations that occur throughout the year. The responsibility and professionalism that I must uphold on a regular basis because my job is where I also live tests me daily. Being in charge of a building and keys from 5pm till 9am when I am on call means that I need to be at the top of my game and alert. Composing my emotions when dangerous situations occur and directing those emotions towards rash descisions that will create a safe and stable environment is more diffuclt than it seems. However, my favorite part of the job is seeing each girl grow and develop throughout the semesters and seeing how I can have a positive affect on each of these invidiciduals lives. 

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