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Required Readings


Articles on cannibalism & taboo:

Lindenbaum - Thinking About Cannibalism (skip sections "Cannibalism & Anthropological Theory," "From Pagan to Primitive," & "The End of Exoticism," pp.  480-485, 487-491)

Sugg - Eating Your Enemy


Excerpt from Thomas Lacqueur's Making of Sex: Chapter 2 "Destiny is Anatomy" (Due Nov. 23)

- Second excerpt (not required): Chapter 5 "Discovery of the Sexes"


Excerpt from Judith Butler's Gender Trouble  (Due Nov. 30)



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Additional Readings


From John Julian Norwich's Shakespeare's Kings:

Chapters on the History surrounding Richard III

Chapters that compare Shakespeare's plays to the history behind them


Articles on Richard III:

Farrell - Prophetic Behavior

McNeir - Masks of Richard the Third

Andrews - Richard III on Film


Articles on/pertaining to Titus Andronicus:

Rice - Cannibalism in Early Modern Drama

Noble - "Two Pasties of Your Heads"


Articles on/pertaining to Gender:

Ayano - Women and the Gender Boundary in Elizabethan England

Dumycz - Female Power - Witchcraft and Gender in Elizabethan England


Additional reading found in your course texts:

- Any of the introductory material to the plays

- Chapters not assigned from Cunningham's Richard III

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Additional Resources

For additional links, etc., see Archives & Resources.

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