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How to use digication

To make your own portfolio

To make your own portfolio, log in to Digication using your Kerberos username and password (same as your email). Choose the "Create" button under the heading "My Portfolios."


To submit an assignment

You can do one of two things.

1. Make a page for it on your portfolio and upload the file or copy and paste the text. Then move on to step 2 and choose "Submit a Portfolio."

2. Go to "My Assessment Groups" on your Digication home page. Choose "WR150 I5: The Bard in the Digital Age." Choose the appropriate assignment. You may either upload a file or copy and paste the text into the submission window. If you are not already a member of this group, you should be able to find and add yourself to it.


To ask a question

You can use the Leave Feedback portion of any page on this portfolio OR you can use the "Contact Me" tab to send your instructor an email.

If your question is tech-related, please use the email link "Contact Us" at the very bottom of any Digication page to submit a problem.


Tech support

Please use the email link "Contact Us" at the very bottom of any Digication page to submit a problem. If you are simply confused on how to do or use something, you can use the "Contact Me" tab or ask in class.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.